
photo by Smilin' Down Photography
Monday, December 14, 2009
And She's Off
And She’s Off. The last two weeks Sadie has been taking two steps and then falling down. She would do this here and there with no intention behind it. However on Sunday she started to be much more aware of what she was doing. She was holding onto the ottoman and she turned towards me. Then she took 4 steps towards me! She tripped on some toys, but it was so exciting! The rest of the day she took several steps as often as she could. Sometimes she would just drop down and other times she would trip on toys. A few times, she walked really fast and that speed made her fall. This is such a huge milestone and we are so proud of her. However- it means a whole new dimension in baby-proofing.
She also now has 4 teeth. Two on the bottom and two on the top. We can see two other teeth on the top trying to break through! Despite all the teething she is such a happy and loving little girl! We are so blessed.
P.S. She like Santa at first. The she looked at him really closely and started to cry. About 5 seconds after this photo was taken!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sadie's First Halloween
Sadie's in bed and we are waiting on trick or treaters! Sadie had a no nap day- well she took 2 - 20 minute naps and would not do a minute more! We went trick or treating at my parent’s house, my grandparents were there too. She didn't get any candy, but she got a can of zesty tomato crunchies. Then we stopped at Diana's parent's house and saw Diana, her parents, her brother and his fiancĂ©. It was great to see them. But Sadie was cranky and tired. I think she had a great Halloween. She dressed up as a black cat...meow! And she even wore the ears! Scroll down for pics.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
9 Months!
Yesterday Sadie turned 9 months old. We went to her well visit check up and she is doing great! Sadie weighs 20lbs 2oz and is 29.25 inches long. Her head is 17.25 inches around. So she is in the 95 percentile for height and 75 percentile for weight.
Sadie is …
drinking water from a sippy cup
eating table food
a fast crawler
eating table food
a fast crawler
very active and loves to play with her toys
Sadie can say…
up, bye bye, yes, baba, dada, mama, and no no no
Sadie loves…
puffs and little crunchies
green beans
going to Gloria’s and playing with Sloan all day
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
plays independently for at least 15 minutes
can make a real mess of her toys
recognizes me and Keith, as well as her grandpa, grandma, and Uncle Bobby
understands that when something is covered up it is still there
wiggles while her diaper gets changed
pulls up on everything
quickly walks along the side of the couch (while holding on)
goes to bed on her own (no more rocking needed)
has 4 bottles a day and 3 jars of baby food (stage 3)
will try any food
Sadie is so fun!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Month 6
Sadie will be 7 months tomorrow and boy oh boy has she been busy...
This morning Keith found her standing in her crib! Then this evening she pulled up numerous times on the ottoman from on her knees to standing.
Since turning 6 months old she...
-now has 2 teeth
-is crawling
-is taking swim lessons
-can pull herself up
-clearly says Dada in reference to Keith
- says baba to her pacifier and bottle
-is eating a wide variety of veggies, fruit, and meats
-is sleeping in her own room (all night)
What a huge milestone month! We just cannot believe how fast she is growing.
This morning Keith found her standing in her crib! Then this evening she pulled up numerous times on the ottoman from on her knees to standing.
Since turning 6 months old she...
-now has 2 teeth
-is crawling
-is taking swim lessons
-can pull herself up
-clearly says Dada in reference to Keith
- says baba to her pacifier and bottle
-is eating a wide variety of veggies, fruit, and meats
-is sleeping in her own room (all night)
What a huge milestone month! We just cannot believe how fast she is growing.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
She's Almost There
On Friday morning, I found Sadie sitting up in her crib. Ever since then he has been busy practicing her new skill. She is also getting so close to crawling. Keith cleaned the carpet yesterday, so we would feel better about her being on the carpet.
Below is a video from April and then a video from yesterday! You can see how she is really growing and changing.
And Yesterday
Friday, August 14, 2009
See How She Grows
I've been going through pictures trying to narrow Sadie's first 6 months down to 200 pictures since the album I bought holds 200 pictures. In going through all of her pictures it is amazing to see how tiny she was and how much she has grown. Here is a sample:
A few hours old. In the NICU- She weighed 9 lbs 2.2 oz and was the biggest baby in the NICU.
2 days old- in the hospital room with me.
Sadie's first Sunday Dinner at my parents house on 2-1-09
Hanging out by her first piece of mail. A Valentines Day card from her Great Grandparents.
Sitting in Bumbo chair. 5-3-09
Sitting Pretty 5-31-09
Friday, July 31, 2009
Summer 09
OK- I am going to take a dip in the blogging world...
Over the last 9 weeks Sadie has been growing and learning new things.
She started the summer with finding her hands and chewing on her toes. It is so cute to see her inspect her hands. She will still do this today.
She now has two bottom teeth that have broken through her gums. She had a rough few days, but other than that she did just fine. Now when she puts my finger in her mouth, it hurts!
Sadie is talking…well kinda. She says babababa, and it seems to be when she wants a bottle. Occasionally she will say mamama or dadada. Sometimes it even sounds like she says hungry (ungee) and hi.
Everywhere we go Sadie makes new friends - she is already so outgoing and is not afraid of strangers…yet.
She is starting to wave. It’s not a full on wave, but it’s a wrist twist.
Sadie is sitting up all by herself. This is so great. She can sit on the floor and play with toys. She loves being independent.
Sadie now enjoys being read to. She loves Farm Peekaboo. The rooster is especially interesting to her.
Sadie and the cat (Graham) have finally noticed each other. Graham will occasionally come close enough to Sadie and Sadie tries to “pet” him; which ends up with Sadie grabbing a chunk of his hair. But he seems OK with it.
We moved Sadie’s crib from our room to her very own room and the transition has been pretty smooth.
Sadie has been enjoying solid foods. We started with rice cereal and have moved onto fruits, veggies, and an occasional meat selection. She likes most of the foods we have had her try, she does not like avocado nor does she like chicken in chicken broth. Other than that she really likes eating and loves to sit in her highchair either at home, at her grandparents, or at a restaurant.
Sadie flew on an airplane to North Carolina (final destination Spartanburg, SC) in late June and early July. She was amazing. It was funny, when people were getting on the plane, they looked at us like, oh no it’s a baby! And when we landed people were telling us how wonderful she was…which we already knew. The flight home was so cute, she slept the whole way home and woke up when we pulled into the driveway!
We had a great time in South Carolina visiting with our family and friends. I do not think Sadie’s feet touched the ground the whole time we were there and it took me a week to get her back on track!
Sadie had her first play date. My good friend from high school has a little girl named Claire (8 months). She and Sadie had a great time playing together at Claire’s house. It was so fun to watch them interact together.
At her 6 month well visit, Sadie weighed 18 lbs 11.5 oz and was 27.5 inches tall.
I feel so blessed that I have a job where I can spend my summer vacation with Sadie. It has been amazing seeing how much she has grown over the past 9 weeks.
It’s back to work for me on Tuesday next week. Sadie will be going back to Gloria’s where she and Sloan (2 years) will have Gloria all to themselves.
Over the last 9 weeks Sadie has been growing and learning new things.
She started the summer with finding her hands and chewing on her toes. It is so cute to see her inspect her hands. She will still do this today.
She now has two bottom teeth that have broken through her gums. She had a rough few days, but other than that she did just fine. Now when she puts my finger in her mouth, it hurts!
Sadie is talking…well kinda. She says babababa, and it seems to be when she wants a bottle. Occasionally she will say mamama or dadada. Sometimes it even sounds like she says hungry (ungee) and hi.
Everywhere we go Sadie makes new friends - she is already so outgoing and is not afraid of strangers…yet.
She is starting to wave. It’s not a full on wave, but it’s a wrist twist.
Sadie is sitting up all by herself. This is so great. She can sit on the floor and play with toys. She loves being independent.
Sadie now enjoys being read to. She loves Farm Peekaboo. The rooster is especially interesting to her.
Sadie and the cat (Graham) have finally noticed each other. Graham will occasionally come close enough to Sadie and Sadie tries to “pet” him; which ends up with Sadie grabbing a chunk of his hair. But he seems OK with it.
We moved Sadie’s crib from our room to her very own room and the transition has been pretty smooth.
Sadie has been enjoying solid foods. We started with rice cereal and have moved onto fruits, veggies, and an occasional meat selection. She likes most of the foods we have had her try, she does not like avocado nor does she like chicken in chicken broth. Other than that she really likes eating and loves to sit in her highchair either at home, at her grandparents, or at a restaurant.
Sadie flew on an airplane to North Carolina (final destination Spartanburg, SC) in late June and early July. She was amazing. It was funny, when people were getting on the plane, they looked at us like, oh no it’s a baby! And when we landed people were telling us how wonderful she was…which we already knew. The flight home was so cute, she slept the whole way home and woke up when we pulled into the driveway!
We had a great time in South Carolina visiting with our family and friends. I do not think Sadie’s feet touched the ground the whole time we were there and it took me a week to get her back on track!
Sadie had her first play date. My good friend from high school has a little girl named Claire (8 months). She and Sadie had a great time playing together at Claire’s house. It was so fun to watch them interact together.
At her 6 month well visit, Sadie weighed 18 lbs 11.5 oz and was 27.5 inches tall.
I feel so blessed that I have a job where I can spend my summer vacation with Sadie. It has been amazing seeing how much she has grown over the past 9 weeks.
It’s back to work for me on Tuesday next week. Sadie will be going back to Gloria’s where she and Sloan (2 years) will have Gloria all to themselves.
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