
photo by Smilin' Down Photography

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Wonderful Day
What a wonderful day we all had today. Today was Sadie’s 2nd Easter and it was a blast. It all started early, just as every day does. Sadie was up at 5:30AM and no amount of coaxing was going to work to get her to go back to sleep. Her daddy had a pork shoulder in the crockpot and it smelled delish so I think that is what woke her up a little earlier than normal. After breakfast Sadie went looking for her Easter Basket and found it in the Family Room on the ottoman. She checked out the books, tossed Mickey the Easter Bunny and her kite on the floor. Then she spotted the “rubber” duck. I opened the box that her duck was in and gave her the duck. (The duck was actually an edible milk flavored duck!) She was playing with the duck and then she put it in her mouth as she does all things. She took a piece out of the duck and looked so surprised. She took another bite and then the whole duck fell apart. So I quickly cleaned it up and put it in the trash. I didn’t want her to eat the whole thing, but I knew she would love it since it was a duck!

Sadie then took a 2 hour nap and Keith and I ran around like crazy, cooking and getting ready. At 11:45 Uncle David and Aunt Carol came over. Then Great Grandpa and Great Grandma came. Finally Grandma and Grandpa, and Uncle Bobby came over. I got the macaroni and cheese in the oven and in 20 minutes we were ready to eat lunch. Oh the food. It was ridiculous: BBQ sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, garlic cheese toast, salad, fresh fruit, and cole slaw. Then for dessert we had pecan pie, coconut crème pie, fruit torte, and homemade blackberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream. I don’t think we will need to eat for days.
Then Sadie played while everyone else chatted and just enjoyed spending time together. What a great day!
Next year…Sadie and I are going to dye eggs!

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